Voice Training

Sharon Steinberg

Voice Lessons

In person or by SKYPE


I have been training singers since 1980 with former students performing around the world. As a teacher, I spend a great deal of time building classical vocal technique, moving to pop style techniques from the classical. My ultimate goal in teaching is to empower you to have full control over every sound that you make so that you sing with consistency, very little effort and very little vocal wear and tear. To accomplish that, I have a full bag of teaching tools including the use of metaphor and exercises - to release muscle tension throughout the body that negatively impact your vocal production, engage larger muscles of the body for the "work" part of singing and place the voice so that you sing with your most resonant and beautiful sound.

While I begin with a classical technique, we do so through the music that YOU enjoy, and quickly move to make it vocally correct to the style. I also work on the communication aspects of performing -  interpretation of each song, expression of the song with vocal colors and dynamics, conquering performance anxiety, posture and presentation...

I have experience with vocal therapy as well. Are you recovering from nodes? Have you dealt with chronic reflux? I can help you to rebuild your voice after these and and other medical issues have been resolved.

I have taught voice at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Community College of Baltimore County; the Baltimore School for the Arts; and the University of Wisconsin, Green Bay and have additionally maintained a private studio throughout the years. Additionally, I have taught opera workshops and have musically directed college musical theater productions. I hold an MM (Master of Music) from Indiana University and a BM (Bachelor of Music) with a major in voice and a minor in piano from Ithaca College and Indiana University.

Teaching Reviews

Molly Santa Croce

My voice still kicks ass, if I must say so myself! I am enjoying my voice in my 40's! Thank you so much for giving me such a great start in being able to sing well for a lifetime! MOLLY

Jinny Marsh

After 20 years of studying with various voice teachers, I finally found Sharon Steinberg who was the only person who clearly communicated how the vocal mechanism works! She gave me new tools. I was able to sing a vocal line with one breath where before I had to take many! She guided me to confidently sing a phrase musically. This gifted teacher should be available to anyone who wants to understand their own instrument and sing with confidence.

Laura Mandeles

I had my first Skype voice lesson with Sharon a few days ago. I know some of you have had the opportunity to study vocal technique with Sharon, so you know she can listen to you sing a few notes and then say something like, “the back of your tongue tightened as you were going from the g to the d.” Hmmm, well now that you point that out, yes that did happen. How did you know that!? When Sharon moved to Florida, I figured no more voice lessons… a sadness, because even in one lesson my technique and voice would be much better. But it turns out, she can still tell me whether it’s my tongue, or my neck, or my big toe – actually I don’t think my big toe gets involved in my singing at all, but if it did, Sharon would know – even on Skype!

Meryl Weiner

Sharon is a most gifted singer and teacher. She understands how to make use of the natural abilities of her students to produce beautiful voices that are unique to each individual. I was able to increase the range and emotional depth of my voice, broaden my breathing technique, and even more importantly, extend the longevity of my instrument because of Sharon's guidance and teaching skill. She is a patient and delightful mentor who takes a special interest in her students. I would recommend her highly.

Leonora Abrams

Love love love her! She totally teaches to the way I think! I look forward to my lessons every week!


Shanzay Pervaiz

I was fortunate enough to have found Sharon online and contacted her immediately after reading the glowing reviews on her website - they were not wrong. As an adult who has never taken singing lessons before, Sharon has been incredibly patient while working with me. Her extensive experience really shows and has helped me understand important aspects of voice training. Although I have much to learn, I am very grateful Sharon has helped me open the door to the wonderful world of singing. I would recommend her to anyone without second thought or hesitation. Thank you for everything Sharon!

Christina McLaughlan

My voice lessons with Sharon were very positive and constructive. She worked with me on expanding my vocal range and strength, as well as helping me to connect emotionally with the music and my instrument. Sharon was present, adaptable and very encouraging. She guided me in the process of stepping out of my comfort zone to overcome stage fright, increasing my confidence not only during performances but also in everyday life. An invaluable experience that I won't forget.

Wendy Siegel

I want to sing the praises of my voice teacher. We meet via SKYPE, which is rather unconventional, but I have already learned so much from Sharon. She is an excellent diagnostician for what ails the voice, especially due to mechanical problems. I had little voice left when I first took a lesson with Sharon and singing is a huge part of my job as a cantor in a Synagogue in Rhode Island. This was a huge problem. Within 2 weeks of working with Sharon to correct some of my bad habits (we all have them!), my Rabbi noticed my voice was much stronger and he said he felt as if he was hearing my true voice with so many colors for the first time! I have continued to work with Sharon and feel my time with her is very well spent learning how to 'unlearn' some things and freeing my voice to enable it to soar. Sharon's is a classical approach to voice, well-steeped in experience both as a teacher and a singer. I am very grateful to have found Sharon and highly recommend her as a voice teacher/vocal coach.

Mackenzie Travis

I worked with Sharon for about a year. She was my very first voice teacher, and she helped me prepare for my audition to get into college. She really helped me with my technique, expanding my range, and my breathing. Sharon is an excellent teacher. She helped me to be more confident in myself.

Jan Morrison

Sharon is an outstanding, compelling and focused teacher. In thoughtful and consistent ways, her help was invaluable in my ability to produce a clearer and more cohesive sound. I continue to use her teachings several years later. I am impressed by her wisdom and her kindness.

Natasha Hirschhorn

Sharon was my first voice teacher, and she made a huge difference not only in what I sounded like, but how I felt about myself as a singer. She worked with me patiently and creatively on building a strong breath support, extending vocal range (which almost doubled) and connecting technique to expressive and emotional singing. We stopped our lessons when I moved out of state, but I felt that all my subsequent teachers were building on the excellent foundation she provided. As a professional singer and teacher today, I can appreciate Sharon's lessons even deeper, and I will always treasure the personal and professional connection we have forged over 20 years ago.

Linda Brice of Trans-    formational Voice Institute

Hi Sharon: I've thought about you so many times over the years. I had no idea where you were, but Facebook can be an amazing vehicle for reconnecting. It was over 30 years ago that while preparing for a recital, I asked you if I could sing through some of my pieces for you for your feedback. I had always respected your singing, and felt you were one of the nicest and most trust-worthy of the singers at IU (Indiana University); I trusted that you would give me good feedback without nastiness! I was right! Here's what you said (something like this, at any rate): "Linda, your singing is beautiful and artistic but you aren't singing in the mask (or in the forward spot, or something like that)." I said "what is singing in the mask?" My God, I spent 9 1/2 years at IU and NONE of my teachers had ever mentioned it. It took you about 5 minutes to show me what you meant, and I could immediately feel and hear the difference. I was off and running!  ...Sharon, had you not been willing to share your knowledge with me, my life literally would never have been the same. I could go on and on about how your influence affected me, my singing, and my teaching, but there literally isn't enough space on a Facebook message. I consider your insight to be among some of the most important guidance I ever got about singing. I've been looking for you for years, to say thank you for your wisdom, honesty, and willingness to share, and for the enormous influence this pearl had on the technique I have now taught to several thousand singers!  All the best to you Sharon!  Linda

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